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Middleware function for interacting with ERC-7677 enabled clients. It supports resolving paymaster and data fields for user operations. This middleware assumes that your RPC provider supports the ERC-7677 methods (pm_getPaymasterStubData and pm_getPaymasterData).


import { erc7677Middleware } from "@aa-sdk/core";


import { createSmartAccountClient, erc7677Middleware } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
const client = createSmartAccountClient({
  transport: http("rpc-url"),
  chain: sepolia,
  // this assumes that your RPC provider supports the ERC-7677 methods AND takes no context



Erc7677MiddlewareParams<TContext> Middleware parameters including context function or object. Context can be resolved dynamically by passing in a function which takes in the context at the time of sending a user op


Pick<ClientMiddlewareConfig, "dummyPaymasterAndData" | "paymasterAndData"> An object containing middleware functions dummyPaymasterAndData and paymasterAndData for processing user operations with the paymaster data