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The Smart Account Client is extended with a series of middleware. When building user operations for signing and sending, the flow can be pretty involved. Sending a UO requires you to get the latest nonce for an account, check if the account is deployed to set the initCode or factory and factoryData in the user operation, estimate fees, estimate gas, and then sign the user operation. If you want to use a paymaster, you need to generate some dummyPaymasterAndData to use during gas estimation, and after estimating gas you can request gas sponsorship from your paymaster. Middleware allows you to avoid having to write the same flows over and over when all you want to do is call a contract with some data or send some ETH to a destination.

Middleware order

As mentioned abve, the client can be configured with a series of middleware that always run in the same order:

  1. dummyPaymasterAndData - Generates a dummy paymaster and data for gas estimation if using a paymaster (default: noop)
  2. feeEstimator - Estimates the fees for a user operation. If you are using our RPCs, it's important to use the alchemyFeeEstimator middleware.
  3. gasEstimator - Estimates the gas limits for a user operation. The default middleware calls the underlying bundler RPC to eth_estimateUserOperationGas.
  4. customMiddleware - Allows you define custom middleware to run before requesting sponsorship if there are any additional steps you need to take before requesting sponsorship. (default: noop)
  5. paymasterAndData - Requests a gas sponsorship from a paymaster. (default: noop)
  6. userOperationSimulator - Simulates a user operation to check if it will be successful. (default: noop)