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What is a Signer?

A Signer is a service (e.g. Alchemy Signer) or application (e.g. MetaMask) that manages the private key and signs operations. Most web3 users today use an Externally Owned Account (EOA) with a self-custodial Signer such as MetaMask to manage the private key.

With Account Kit, you will deploy a smart account for each user instead of an EOA wallet. This smart account stores the user's assets (e.g. tokens or NFTs).

The signer connected to the SmartAccountClient is used to sign messages, data including user operations and transactions. The signatures for the user operation will be only valid and execute if the signer is the owner or one of the owners of the account.

Using Account Kit, you can secure your user's account with an email, social login, or passkeys. You can also use a self-custodial wallet like MetaMask as the Signer. You can choose any Signer service or application to manage the Owner private key for the user.

This doc provides a basic introduction to signers and the criteria you should consider when choosing which Signer to use with Account Kit in your application.

Role of a Signer

The Signer plays a crucial role in your app because it controls the user’s smart account. The Signer is responsible for:

  • Securely storing the user’s private key which controls the user’s assets
  • Authenticating the user
  • Protecting the user’s account from phishing attacks
  • Signing user operations requested by the user, if and only if the user has authenticated
  • Optionally offering account recovery methods

Alchemy Signer

User security is our top priority. Alchemy Signer is a non-custodial signer service where private keys are securely generated inside a secure enclave. Only the end user can access their keys, not Alchemy nor your app. Read more about Turnkey's security model that powers Alchemy Signer.

Alchemy Signer is supported out of the box with Account Kit via easy to use React Hooks and lower-lever SDKs. Using Account Kit with the Alchemy Signer, you can secure your user's account with an email, social login, or passkeys.

Criteria to consider

Here are some important criteria to consider when choosing a Signer.

  • Custody model: Who has access to the private key?

    • Self-Custodial: the end user controls the private key and manually approves signature requests
    • Non-Custodial: a third-party service manages the private key or a subset of the key shares, but cannot sign transactions without the user’s involvement
    • Custodial: a third-party service manages the private key and can sign transactions without the user’s involvement
    • Alchemy Signer is a fully non-custodial provider - only the end user can access their keys, not Alchemy, not your app, and not Turnkey.
  • Security model: Assess the security model of the provider. Where is the private key stored? (on a device? in the cloud? on what cloud provider?) Is the private key encrypted? What encryption algorithm is used? Who has access to the decryption keys? This is a non-exhaustive list and we recommend doing further research.

    • Alchemy Signer: Private keys are secured by Turnkey. Turnkey runs all secure workloads in “Secure Enclaves,” a type of Trusted Execution Environment. Read about the security approach here.
  • Authentication methods: What authentication method delivers the right balance of security, self-sovereignty, and ease-of-use for your target users?

    • Alchemy Signer: See full support here.
      • Email magic-link and OTP
      • Social logins: OAuth providers (google, github, facebook and custom providers via Auth0)
      • Passkey sign up and login
  • Availability: If the Signer service provider goes down, will users be able to sign transactions?

    • Alchemy signer: The private key export method does not rely on Alchemy's infrastructure, so even if Alchemy is down, a user can still export their private key. Private key export doesn't rely on Alchemy being up, but on Turnkey being up. For full availability if Turnkey goes down the user should export their private key at some point.
  • Key export: Does the Signer allow the end user to export their private key? Can the user initiate an export even if the service provider has gone down? This is an important factor to ensure the user retains control of their assets no matter what happens to the service provider.

  • Key recovery: If the user forgets their password or loses their passkey, what recovery methods does the Signer provide? If the provider stores a backup copy of the private key or MPC key shares, where are those backups stored and who has access to them?

    • Alchemy signer: You can add an additional backup login method with a passkey so that users can recover their key with either their email/social or passkey login. Additionally, if using an account that supports more than one owner, you can add multiple owners to an accounts making it recoverable by any owner.

Types of Signers

Non-custodial wallets

Non-custodial wallet providers store private keys such that they cannot access the private key without the user’s involvement. For example, the user must provide a password or passkey that only they know in order to decrypt the private key stored by the provider. Users benefit from heightened security, while remaining in control of their private keys at all times. This is similar to a safety deposit box vault: the provider secures the bank vault but only the user has access to the individual safety deposit boxes (e.g. wallets).

Example: Alchemy, Turnkey, Magic

MPC wallets (non-custodial)

Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Signers split the Owner Account private key into key shares that are then distributed to a number of share holders. Share holders only know the value of their key share and transaction holders can sign transactions without revealing their key shares to other holders.

Valid signatures do not always require all shares to sign a transaction. MPC Signers can set a threshold, requiring a certain number of shares for a signature to be valid. Common configurations are 2 of 2 shares or 2 of 3 shares. By requiring multiple shares, MPC models mitigate the risks associated with a single key being compromised.

Some MPC signers provide recovery services in which key share(s) are backed up in the service provider’s cloud, on the end user’s device, or in the end user’s cloud (e.g. iCloud or Google Drive). When evaluating an MPC provider, it’s important to understand where each key share is stored.

Example: Privy, Fireblocks MPC, Portal, Capsule, WalletKit


There are two common approaches to MPC.

Traditionally, MPC services leveraged SSSS (Shamir’s Secret Shard Sharing). This approach generates a private key in one location and then the shares are distributed to the parties involved. When a user wants to sign, they need to retrieve N of M shares and reconstruct the key locally.

An improvement on SSSS is Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS). In this model, the key is never recreated during signing. Instead, each party is given the message to sign and then signs the payload locally before broadcasting the signature to the rest of the group. This allows for the key material to remain private and deconstructed.

TSS is safer than SSSS because is possible to create the initial shares without ever constructing the original key on any one device. However, the tradeoff is that signing requires a Peer-to-Peer exchange which introduces latency.

You can read more about the difference between TSS and SSSS here.

Decentralized MPC network (non-custodial)

A decentralized MPC network is an extension on the MPC approach outlined above. Instead of relying on a single, centralized service to store a key share and initiate signature requests, an MPC network distributes this responsibility across many nodes in a network. The user’s private key is split into many key shares with each share store by a different node. The user may request signatures from the network and a valid signature will be produced if and only if a threshold number of nodes agree to sign the request.

Examples: Lit Protocol, Web3Auth (Torus Network)

Self-custodial wallet

Self-custodial wallets store the private key locally where only the end user can access it. For example, the user may store their seed phrase in a browser extension, in a mobile app using their phone’s secure enclave, or in a hardware wallet. When using a self-custodial wallet, the user is the only one with the power to sign transactions.

Self-custodial wallets require the user to maintain good security hygiene at all times. They also rely on the user to backup a copy of their private key in the event the wallet is lost or destroyed. If the user loses access to the device on which their private key is stored, they will have no way to recover the account unless they backed up the private key in another device or location.

Example: MetaMask, Ledger

Custodial wallet

Custodial wallet providers have full control over the user’s private key and sign transactions on behalf of the user. These services typically implement security measures to ensure that only the authorized user(s) can request a signature. These providers are also typically regulated entities (e.g., qualified custodians). The user must trust this service provider to securely store the private key and sign transactions if and only if the user wishes.

Example: Coinbase Custody, Bitgo

Supported signers

The Smart Account Signer interface is used to define an owner for Smart Contract Accounts. The interface takes two forms:

  1. SmartAccountSigner -- This is the base interface for all signer. It defines methods for signing messages and typed data, as well as getting the address of the signer.
  2. SmartAccountAuthenticator -- This is an extension of the SmartAccountSigner that exposes additional methods for Signers that require authentication before signing.

Within Account Kit and @aa-sdk/core, we provide a number of implementations for SmartAccountSigner and SmartAccountAuthenticator:

  1. AlchemyWebSigner - This is an implementation of the SmartAccountAuthenticator that uses the our signer service to provision private keys securely for end users. It allows you to authenticate your users with methods more familiar to them, such as email or social login.
  2. LocalAccountSigner - This signer is useful if you have a mnemonic or private key locally that you want to use as an owner of a smart contract account. This is useful for testing and development purposes.
  3. WalletClientSigner - This signer is useful if you want to use a wallet client as an owner. Since a wallet client can wrap any EIP-1193 compliant provider, this is useful if you want to use EOA extensions or 3rd party signer service SDKs.

Disclaimer: This page refers to third-party services, products software, technology, and content (collectively, “Third-Party Services”) that may be integrated or interact with Alchemy’s software and services. Alchemy is not responsible for any Third-Party Service, or for any compatibility issues, errors, or bugs caused in whole or in part by the Third-Party Service or any update or upgrade thereto. Your use of any Third-Party Service is at your own risk. You are responsible for obtaining any associated licenses and consents to the extent necessary for you to use the Third-Party Services. Your use of the Third-Party Services may be subject to separate terms and conditions set forth by the provider (including disclaimers or warnings), separate fees or charges, or a separate privacy notice. You are responsible for understanding and complying with any such terms or privacy notice.