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Add passkey

You may have noticed in the Authenticate users guide, that it's possible to authenticate users with a passkey they've already created. If you don't want users to have to type in an email to log in with a passkey, this guide will cover how to add a passkey to a user's account once they have already logged in.

Authenticate the user

See the Authenticate users guide for more information on how to authenticate a user with email. The user must be authenticated before you can add a passkey to their account

Add a passkey

Once the user is authenticated, you can use the addPasskey method on the Alchemy Signer. In the below example, we add the passkey as soon as the signer is connected. However, you can choose to add a passkey when the user clicks a button or at any other time. In this case, use the watchSignerStatus method to change your UI based on the signer's connected status.

import { watchSignerStatus, getSigner } from "@account-kit/core";
import { config } from "./config";
const signerSubscription = watchSignerStatus(config)(async (status) => {
  if (status.isConnected) {
    const signer = getSigner(config);
    await signer.addPasskey();