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Getting started with Modular Account V2

It is easy to get started with Modular Account v2! Below, you will create a new Modular Account v2 client that will be used to send user operations. Your MAv2 smart account will be deployed on-chain when you send the first User Operation from a unique signer.

Install packages

Prerequisites Installation

First, install the @account-kit/smart-contracts package.

yarn add @account-kit/smart-contracts
yarn add @account-kit/infra

Creating a Modular Account V2 client

import { createModularAccountV2Client } from "@account-kit/smart-contracts";
import { LocalAccountSigner } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { sepolia, alchemy } from "@account-kit/infra";
import { generatePrivateKey } from "viem/accounts";
const accountClient = await createModularAccountV2Client({
  mode: "default", // optional param to specify the MAv2 variant (either "default" or "7702")
  chain: sepolia,
  transport: alchemy({ apiKey: "your-api-key" }), // Get your API key at or http("RPC_URL") for non-alchemy infra
  signer: LocalAccountSigner.privateKeyToAccountSigner(generatePrivateKey()),

Want to enable social login methods? Set up your Alchemy Signer.

Alternatively, you can bring a 3rd party signer as the owner of your new account.

Not sure what signer to use? Learn more.

Sending a user operation

Now that you have a client, you can send a User Operation. The first User Operation will also deploy the new Modular Account v2.

import { createModularAccountV2Client } from "@account-kit/smart-contracts";
import { LocalAccountSigner } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { sepolia, alchemy } from "@account-kit/infra";
import { generatePrivateKey } from "viem/accounts";
import { parseEther } from "viem";
const accountClient = await createModularAccountV2Client({
  chain: sepolia,
  transport: alchemy({ apiKey: "your-api-key" }),
  signer: LocalAccountSigner.privateKeyToAccountSigner(generatePrivateKey()),
const operation = await accountClient.sendUserOperation({
  // simple UO sending no data or value to vitalik's address
  uo: {
    target: "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045", // The address to call in the UO
    data: "0x", // The calldata to send in the UO
    value: parseEther("0"), // The value to send in the UO
  "User operation sent! \nUO hash: ",
  "\nModular Account v2 Address: ",