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Getting started with Light Account

It is easy to get started with Light Account! We will show you how to create and send user operations for both LightAccount and MultiOwnerLightAccount using @alchemy/aa-alchemy.

Install packages

Prerequisites Installation
npm i @account-kit/smart-contracts

Create a client and send a user operation

The code snippets below demonstrate how to use LightAccount and MultiOwnerLightAccount with Account Kit. They create the account and send a UserOperation from it.

import { createLightAccountAlchemyClient } from "@account-kit/smart-contracts";
import { sepolia } from "@account-kit/infra";
import { LocalAccountSigner } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { generatePrivateKey } from "viem";
const lightAccountClient = await createLightAccountAlchemyClient({
  apiKey: "your-api-key",
  chain: sepolia,
  signer: LocalAccountSigner.privateKeyToAccountSigner(generatePrivateKey()),