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Using a different RPC Provider

The SmartAccountClient within @aa-sdk/core is unopinionated about which bundler you use, so you can connect to any RPC provider really simply.


If we look at the example for creating a SmartAccountClient:

import { createSmartAccountClient } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
const client = createSmartAccountClient({
  transport: http(""),
  chain: sepolia,

You can see that we set the transport to http(""). You can swap out that the url in the http function to any other provider's URL.

Splitting Bundler traffic and Node RPC traffic

It might be the case that you want to use a different RPC provider for your bundler traffic and your node traffic. This is a common use case, and you can do this by leveraging the split transport and passing it to your createSmartAccountClient call. For example:

Using Alchemy Bundler and Gas Manager with 3rd Party Node RPCs

If you want to split your node traffic from Alchemy's Bundler traffic, you can do this with the alchemyTransport

import { alchemy } from "@account-kit/infra";
const alchemyTransport = alchemy({
  alchemyConnection: { apiKey: "your-api-key" },
  nodeRpcUrl: "YOUR_NODE_RPC_URL",
// now use this transport in a client

Using two different 3rd Party Bundler and Node RPCs

import { split } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { createPublicClient, http } from "viem";
const bundlerMethods = [
const clientWithSplit = createPublicClient({
  transport: split({
    overrides: [
        methods: bundlerMethods,
        transport: http("BUNDLER_RPC_URL"),
    fallback: http("OTHER_RPC_URL"),

Zora and Fraxtal

Using a split Bundler and Node RPC setup is required for Fraxtal, Fraxtal Testnet, Zora, and Zora Sepolia networks since Alchemy currently only supports Account Abstraction endpoints for those networks. Please refer to documentation from Frax and Zora about RPC options.

See this guide for more information on using AA only chains with Account Kit.