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AA only chains or non-Alchemy chains

If you're using a chain that isn't supported by us or we only support Account Abstraction methods for those chains, then you can use createSmartAccountClient or one of non-alchemy create*Client methods from @account-kit/smart-contracts with a split transport to route your traffic accordingly.

AA only chains example

import { createLightAccountClient } from "@account-kit/smart-contracts";
import {
  type ClientWithAlchemyMethods,
} from "@account-kit/infra";
import { split, LocalAccountSigner, createBundlerClient } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { http, custom } from "viem";
const alchemyMethods = [
const transport = split({
  overrides: [
      methods: alchemyMethods,
      transport: http("ALCHEMY_RPC_URL"),
  fallback: http("ZORA_NODE_RPC_URL"),
const alchemyBundlerClient = createBundlerClient({
  // zora is an example of an aa only chain
  chain: zora,
}) as unknown as ClientWithAlchemyMethods;
const smartAccountClient = createLightAccountClient({
  chain: zora,
  feeEstimator: alchemyFeeEstimator(alchemyBundlerClient),
  signer: LocalAccountSigner.generatePrivateKeySigner(),
  // if you want to sponsor gas add this

Non-Alchemy chains example

To use non-Alchemy supported chains, you can use the createSmartAccountClient method from @aa-sdk/core or any of the non-Alchemy create*Client methods exported from @account-kit/smart-contracts with a chain definition for your chain and a transport pointing to your RPC provider.

See createSmartAccountClient for more information.