Using a third-party paymaster
The SmartAccountClient
within @aa-sdk/core
is unopinionated about which paymaster you use, so you can connect to any paymaster really simply. Configuration is done using the paymasterAndData
config option when you call createSmartAccountClient
import { createSmartAccountClient } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
const chain = sepolia;
const client = createSmartAccountClient({
transport: http("RPC_URL"),
// sets the dummy paymasterAndData with paymaster address appended with some dummy paymasterData
// that looks like a valid paymasterData
dummyPaymasterAndData: async (userop) => ({
paymasterAndData: async (userop, opts) => {
// call your paymaster here to sponsor the userop
// leverage the `opts` field to apply any overrides
return {
paymasterAndData: "0xresponsefromprovider",
ERC-7677 Paymaster
If your pamyaster supports the ERC-7677 standard, you can use the erc7677Middleware
to interact with it.
Usage with single RPC provider
If you're using the same RPC provider for your Paymaster, Bundler, and Node RPC traffic, then you can do the following:
import { createSmartAccountClient, erc7677Middleware } from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
const chain = sepolia;
const client = createSmartAccountClient({
// This example assumes that your RPC provider supports the ERC-7677 methods
transport: http("RPC_URL"),
Usage with multiple RPC providers
If you're using a separate RPC provider for your Paymaster, you can can use the (split
)[/third-party/bundlers#splitting-bundler-traffic-and-node-rpc-traffic] transport to route your ERC-7677 traffic to a different provider:
import {
} from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
const chain = sepolia;
const erc7677Methods = ["pm_getPaymasterStubData", "pm_getPaymasterData"];
const transport = split({
overrides: [
// NOTE: if you're splitting Node and Bundler traffic too, you can add the bundler config to this array
methods: erc7677Methods,
transport: http("PAYMASTER_RPC_URL"),
fallback: http("NODE_AND_BUNDLER_RPC_URL"),
const client = createSmartAccountClient({
ERC20 Gas Sponsorship
We are working on building support for an ERC20 paymaster!
In the meantime, you could use a third-party paymaster, such as Stackup, to sponsor ERC-20 gas. Here's an example using Stackup with the Alchemy SDK:
import { createMultiOwnerModularAccountClient } from "@account-kit/smart-contracts";
import {
} from "@account-kit/infra";
import {
} from "@aa-sdk/core";
import { createClient, http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
const signer = LocalAccountSigner.generatePrivateKeySigner();
const chain = sepolia;
const stackupClient = createClient({
// TODO: Replace with your stackup API key here (
transport: http(""),
const alchemyTransport = http("ALCHEMY_RPC_URL");
const alchemyClient = await createMultiOwnerModularAccountClient({
transport: http("ALCHEMY_RPC_URL"),
// Bypasses alchemy gas estimation and instead uses Stackup for gas estimation
gasEstimator: async (userOp) => ({
callGasLimit: "0x0",
preVerificationGas: "0x0",
verificationGasLimit: "0x0",
// Uses alchemy fee estimation to comply with bundler
feeEstimator: alchemyFeeEstimator(alchemyTransport),
paymasterAndData: async (userop, opts) => {
const pmResponse: any = await stackupClient.request({
// @ts-ignore
method: "pm_sponsorUserOperation",
params: [
deepHexlify(await resolveProperties(userop)),
// @ts-ignore
type: "payg", // Replace with ERC20 context based on stackups documentation
return {