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Send User Operations

Once you've completed the Quickstart, you're ready to start sending user operations!

User operations can be sent either as single user operations or as a batch of user operations. In this guide, we'll cover both methods.

Single User Operation

import { client } from "./client";
const { hash } = await client.sendUserOperation({
  uo: {
    target: "0xTARGET_ADDRESS",
    data: "0x",
    value: 0n,

Batch User Operations

To batch user operations, you can just pass an array of user operations to the sendUserOperation method.

import { client } from "./client";
const { hash } = await client.sendUserOperation({
  uo: [
      target: "0xTARGET_ADDRESS",
      data: "0x",
      value: 0n,
      target: "0xTARGET_ADDRESS_2",
      data: "0x",
      value: 0n,