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Custom Social Providers with Auth0

In addition to the standard social login providers (Google, Facebook, Apple), Account Kit allows you to integrate custom OAuth providers through Auth0. This gives you flexibility to add authentication methods like GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.

You can implement custom social providers in two ways:

Pre-built UI Components

Account Kit provides pre-built UI components that handle the entire custom social provider authentication flow with minimal code.

Step 1: Add Authentication Components to Your Page

Before configuring your authentication, first add one of the pre-built components to your application:

Using Modal Authentication

To add authentication in a modal popup:

import React from "react";
import { useAuthModal } from "@account-kit/react";
export default function MyPage() {
  const { openAuthModal } = useAuthModal();
  return <button onClick={openAuthModal}>Sign in</button>;

For more details on modal configuration, see the Modal Authentication documentation.


Using Embedded Authentication

To embed authentication directly in your page:

import React from "react";
import { AuthCard } from "@account-kit/react";
export default function MyLoginPage() {
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-row p-4 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg">
      <AuthCard />

For more details on embedded authentication, see the Embedded Authentication documentation.

Step 2: Setting Up Auth0

Before configuring the UI components, you need to set up Auth0:

  1. Create or log in to an account on

  2. In the Auth0 dashboard, go to "Authentication → Social" in the sidebar

  3. Click "Create Social Connection" and choose your desired provider (e.g., GitHub)

    Auth0 provider list
  4. You can either use Auth0's dev keys for testing or add your own credentials. If you want to add your own, click the link that says "How to obtain a Client ID" and follow the directions.

  5. Select the attributes and permissions you'll be requesting. It's recommended to at least request the user's email address as it can be useful for merging accounts from different providers later. Note that your users will be prompted for consent to share whatever information you request.

    Configure Github auth provider settings Auth0
  6. Note the "Name" field (e.g., "github") - you'll need this later for the auth0Connection parameter

  7. Enable the connection for your Auth0 application

    Auth0 app selection page
  8. From your Auth0 dashboard, go to "Applications → Applications" in the sidebar

  9. Select your application and note the "Domain", "Client ID", and "Client Secret"

    Settings page in Auth0 with relevant fields
  10. Add these to your Account Kit dashboard in the embedded accounts auth config

    Copy fields from Auth0 to the Alchemy accounts config

    In addition to the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" fields, you must also fill in the "Auth0 Domain" field from the Auth0 dashboard.

Step 3: Configure Custom Social Providers in UI Components

After adding the components and setting up Auth0, configure the custom social providers in your application config:

import { AlchemyAccountsUIConfig, createConfig } from "@account-kit/react";
import { sepolia, alchemy } from "@account-kit/infra";
const uiConfig: AlchemyAccountsUIConfig = {
  auth: {
    sections: [
        // Standard social providers
        { type: "social", authProviderId: "google", mode: "popup" },
        // Custom social providers via Auth0
          type: "social",
          authProviderId: "auth0",
          // Specify the Auth0 connection to use directly
          auth0Connection: "github",
          displayName: "GitHub",
          // Custom logo URL for the provider
          // Optional dark mode logo
          mode: "popup",
          type: "social",
          authProviderId: "auth0",
          auth0Connection: "twitter",
          displayName: "Twitter",
          logoUrl: "https://path-to-twitter-logo.png",
          mode: "popup",
export const config = createConfig(
    transport: alchemy({ apiKey: "your-api-key" }),
    chain: sepolia,
    // Required for popup flow
    enablePopupOauth: true,

Auth0 custom providers accept the following configuration:

type SocialAuthType = {
  type: "social";
  // For Auth0 custom providers
  authProviderId: "auth0";
  // Auth0-specific connection string (e.g., "github", "twitter")
  auth0Connection?: string;
  // Display name for the provider button
  displayName?: string;
  // URL for the provider's logo
  logoUrl: string;
  // URL for the provider's logo in dark mode (optional, `logoUrl` is used for both light & dark mode if not provided)
  logoUrlDark?: string;
  // Authentication mode (popup or redirect)
  mode: "popup" | "redirect";
  // Optional: Specifies the requested OAuth scope
  scope?: string;
  // Optional: Specifies additional claims to be included in the authentication token
  claims?: string;

You can find the full type definition in the Account Kit source code.

For more details on UI component customization, see the UI Components documentation.

Custom UI

If you need complete control over the user experience, you can implement your own custom UI for custom social providers using Account Kit hooks.

Step 1: Set Up Auth0

Before implementing in your React app, you need to configure Auth0 as described in the Setting Up Auth0 section above.

Step 2: Implement Authentication in Your React App

Use the useAuthenticate hook to implement Auth0 authentication:

import { useAuthenticate } from "@account-kit/react";
// Inside your component
const { authenticate } = useAuthenticate();
// Option 1: Generic Auth0 login (shows Auth0 provider selection screen)
const handleAuth0Login = () => {
      type: "oauth",
      authProviderId: "auth0",
      mode: "popup", // or "redirect"
      onSuccess: () => {
        // Authentication successful!
      onError: (error) => {
        // Handle error
// Option 2: Direct provider login (bypasses Auth0 selection screen)
const handleGitHubLogin = () => {
      type: "oauth",
      authProviderId: "auth0",
      auth0Connection: "github", // Use the connection name from Auth0
      mode: "popup", // or "redirect"
      onSuccess: () => {
        // Authentication successful!
      onError: (error) => {
        // Handle error

Option 1 will take users to an Auth0 login page where they can choose the authentication method they want. Option 2 sends users directly to the specific provider's login (like GitHub) without showing the Auth0 selection screen, which usually provides a better user experience.

The value passed to auth0Connection should match the string that appeared in the "Name" field of your auth provider connection in the Auth0 dashboard.

Step 3: Track Authentication Status

Use the useSignerStatus hook to determine if the user is authenticated:

import { useSignerStatus } from "@account-kit/react";
// Inside your component
const { isConnected } = useSignerStatus();
// You can use isConnected to conditionally render UI