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Package overview

Account Kit consists of a number of SDK packages that you can leverage to interact with ERC-4337 infrastructure.

For almost all cases, aa-core is sufficient with the subsequent packages offering various utilities for interacting with specific Account Abstraction infrastructure or smart accounts. However, we offer additional packages to augment your developer experience with custom Alchemy infrastructure (aa-alchemy), custom smart account (aa-accounts) and signer solutions (aa-signers), and an ethers.js-compatible solution (aa-ethers).


This package contains the core interfaces and components for interacting with 4337 infrastructure. The primary interfaces that it exports are the SmartAccountClient and SmartContractAccount.

The SmartAccountClient is an EIP-1193 compliant Provider that wraps JSON RPC methods. With this Provider, you can submit User Operations to RPC providers, estimate gas, configure a Paymaster and more. It is not opinionated about which RPC provider you are using and is configurable to work with any RPC provider. Because it implements EIP-1193, it can be used with any web3 library.

The SmartContractAccount interface is used to define how you would interact with your Smart Contract Account. The methods exposed and implemented by a class the implements BaseSmartContractAccount allow the SmartAccountClient to provide ergonomic utilities for building and submitting User Operations.

For more details on all the utilities exported by aa-core see the aa-core documentation.


This package builds on aa-core by exporting an AlchemySmartAccountClient which extends SmartAccountClient and adds some additional utilities for interacting with our APIs and Rundler. The Client also exports utilities for leveraging our Gas Manager.

If you are using our Bundler (Rundler) and Gas Manager you have to use this package. This is due to the specifics around how our bundler does gas estimation. Not using this package and its client can result in incorrect gas estimations and failed transactions.

For more details on all the utilities exported by aa-alchemy see the aa-alchemy documentation.


This packages provides various implementations of SmartContractAccount for interacting with different smart accounts. This package is not required to use aa-core or aa-alchemy. If you want to use your own smart account implementation, you can do so by following the guide "Using your own Account".

If you would like to use a smart account that is not supported by this package, you can implement SmartContractAccount yourself and use it with aa-core or aa-alchemy

For details on contributing your own smart account implementation, see the aa-accounts contribution guide.

To see all of the smart accounts that are supported by this package, see the aa-accounts documentation.


This packages provides various implementations of SmartAccountSigner and SmartAccountAuthenticator for integrating different Signers of your smart account. This package is not required to use aa-core or aa-alchemy. If you want to use your own Signer implementation, you can do so by following the guide "Using your own Signer".

If you would like to use a signer that is not supported by this package, you can implement a SmartAccountSigner or SmartAccountAuthenticator yourself and use it with aa-core or aa-alchemy.

For details on contributing your own Signer implementation, see the aa-signers contribution guide.

To see all of the Signers that are supported by this package, see the aa-signers documentation.


This package provides an adapter that allows you to convert a SmartAccountClient or AlchemySmartAccountClient into an ethers JsonRpcProvider and Signer. These are primarily for convenience if your codebase expects a JsonRpcProvider or Signer in places and you want to use aa-core or aa-alchemy with minimal lift.

It is not required to use aa-ethers even if you are using ethers as your web3 library. Because the SmartAccountClient is an EIP-1193 compliant provider, you can always wrap it in an ethers Web3Provider and use it as a Signer or JsonRpcProvider.