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Choosing a Smart Account

What is a Smart Account?

A smart account is an ERC-4337 smart account. You can use it to manage assets, execute transactions (known as User Operations), and more. There are many different implementations of a smart account, including our Light Account.

Modular Account

Modular Account is an Enterprise-grade smart contract account designed from the ground up for ERC-4337. It is highly secure, gas optimized, and endlessly customizable with ERC-6900 plugins.

Modular Account is the first ERC-6900 account implementation, making it infinitely extensible with custom plugins. Plug and play from a selection of existing plugins, including session keys and account recovery, or write your own to customize the account for your app. We have created two pre-built plugins available today, MultiOwnerPlugin and SessionKeyPlugin. We're actively building new plugins such as multisig, and we look forward to what new plugins you create!

For most applications, we recommend using Modular Account. Suppose you have already deployed Light Account in the past. In that case, you can follow Upgrading to a Modular Account guide to easily upgrade your account from Light Account to Modular Account using Account Kit and unlock an ecosystem of plugins for your smart account stack.

Modular Account has been audited by both Spearbit and Quantstamp. It is fully open source and supported by a Bug Bounty program.

Light Account

Account Kit provides a default smart account called LightAccount.

Light Account is a secure, audited, gas-optimized, ERC-4337-compatible smart account implementation. It has features like ownership transfers, ERC-1271 message signing, and batched transactions. It is also open source!

It is deployed on Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, Base, and the respective testnets.

Use your own Account

Account Kit also makes it easy to use your own smart account implementation. To learn how, see our guide on how to use your own account.