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transferOwnership is an action exported by @alchemy/aa-accounts which sends a UO that transfers ownership of the account to a new owner, and returns either the UO hash or transaction hash.


import { smartAccountClient } from "./lightAccountClient";

const accountAddress = smartAccountClient.getAddress();
// transfer ownership
const newOwner = LocalAccountSigner.mnemonicToAccountSigner(NEW_OWNER_MNEMONIC);
const hash = await smartAccountClient.transferOwnership({
  waitForTxn: true,
// after transaction is mined on the network,
// create a new light account client for the transferred Light Account
const transferredClient = await createLightAccountClient({
  transport: custom(smartAccountClient),
  chain: smartAccountClient.chain,
  signer: newOwner,
  accountAddress, // NOTE: You MUST to specify the original smart account address to connect using the new owner/signer



A Promise that resolves to the user operation hash (transaction hash if waitForTx is true) which transferred ownership of the smart account's owner


  • client: SmartAccountClient -- the client to use to send the transaction
  • options: TransferLightAccountOwnershipParams -- the options to use to transfer ownership
    • newOwner: TSigner extends SmartAccountSigner = SmartAccountSigner -- the new on-chain owner of the account
    • waitForTxn?: boolean -- optionally, wait for the transaction to be mined with the UO
    • account?: LightAccount -- optionally, pass the account if your client is not connected to it