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The LocalAccountSigner allows you to use accounts for which you already have the private key available locally as signers on Smart Contracts. This Signer is used with HDAccount | PrivateKeyAccount | LocalAccount types from viem.


import { LocalAccountSigner } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
export const signer =


constructor<T extends HDAccount | PrivateKeyAccount | LocalAccount>(client: T)

Creates a new LocalAccountSigner using the underlying account type to sign the messages.

getAddress(): Promise<Address>

Returns the public address of the underlying Account

signMessage(msg: string | Hex | ByteArray): Promise<Hex>

Signs and returns a message in EIP-191 format

signTypedData(params: SignTypedDataParams): Promise<Hex>

Signs and returns a message in EIP-712 format using eth_signTypedData_v4

static mnemonicToAccountSigner(key: string): LocalAccountSigner<HDAccount>

Converts a mnemonic phrase into a LocalAccountSigner

static privateKeyToAccountSigner(key: Hex): LocalAccountSigner<PrivateKeyAccount>

Converts a private key hex into a LocalAccountSigner