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To initialize ArcanaAuthSigner, you must provide a set of parameters detailed below.


import { ArcanaAuthSigner } from "@alchemy/aa-signers";
// instantiates using every possible parameter, as a reference
const newArcanaAuthSigner = new ArcanaAuthSigner({
  clientId: "ARCANA_AUTH_CLIENT_ID", //Register app through dashboard and get clientId
  params: { //See `AuthProvider` constructor params
    network: 'testnet' | 'mainnet' | `NetworkConfig`
    alwaysVisible: boolean  // Wallet displayed always in the app or only when a transaction needs review
    chainConfig: `ChainConfigInput`
    redirectUrl: string // After authentication, window where the control returns
    theme: 'light' | 'dark'
    position: 'left' | 'right'  // Wallet displayed on LHS or RHS in the app context
    setWindowProvider: `boolean`  // default is false
    connectOptions: ConnectOptions

For details, see AuthProvider ConstructorParams.



A new instance of an ArcanaAuthSigner.


params: { clientId: string, params: ConstructorParams } | { inner: AuthProvider }

You can either pass in a constructed AuthProvider object, or directly pass into the ArcanaAuthSigner the clientId and the AuthProvider ConstructorParams used to construct an AuthProvider object. These parameters are listed on the Arcana Auth SDK Reference Guide. You can refer to tutorials and the sample code for usage details in the Arcana Docs as well.

ArcanaAuthSigner takes in the following parameters:

  • inner: an AuthProvider object or

  • clientId: string -- a unique app id assigned after app registration via the Arcana Developer Dashboard.

  • params: ConstructorParams -- [optional] these are used to customize the Arcana Auth SDK usage.

See ConstructorParams for details.