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To initialize a FordefiSigner, you must provide a set of parameters detailed below.


import { FordefiSigner } from "@alchemy/aa-signers/fordefi";
// instantiates using every possible parameter, as a reference
const fordefiSigner = new FordefiSigner({
  chainId: 11155111,
  address: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
  apiUserToken: process.env.FORDEFI_API_USER_TOKEN!,
  apiPayloadSignKey: process.env.FORDEFI_API_PAYLOAD_SIGNING_KEY!,



A new instance of a FordefiSigner.


params: FordefiProviderConfig | { inner: FordefiWeb3Provider }

You can either pass in a constructed FordefiWeb3Provider object, or directly pass into the FordefiSigner the FordefiProviderConfig used to construct a FordefiWeb3Provider object. These parameters are listed on the Fordefi repo as well.

FordefiProviderConfig takes in the following parameters:

  • chainId: EvmChainId | EvmChainUniqueId -- Chain on which the signer acts for the given address.

  • address: Address -- EVM address.

  • apiUserToken: string -- Fordefi API User token issued via the Fordefi Web Console.

  • apiPayloadSignKey: string -- Private key in PEM format used to sign the body of requests sent to the Fordefi API - the content of the private key .pem, see Create a public/private signature key pair for the API client.