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authenticate is a method on the LitSigner which leverages the Lit Protocol SDK to authenticate a user. Before accessing other methods on the class, such as signing messages or typed data or accessing user details, this method MUST be called.


LitSigner allows for either an AuthMethod or SessionSig as context to authenticate, based on the LightSigner you create: LitAuthMethod or LitSessionSigsMap respectively.

If using an AuthMethod, then the implementation will handle signing a session signature which will be used as authentication material. If using a SessionSig, then the implementation will use that as authentication material for the signer.

For the LitSigner a generic type C is defined on the type to be either AuthMethod or SessionSig.

Where an AuthMethod or a Session Signatures maybe be provided as context for the authentication.

If a Session Signature is given then the session will be respected as long as it is valid for the given pkpPublicKey that was used to initialize the LitSigner.

Auth Method

import {
  type LitAuthMethod,
} from "@alchemy/aa-signers/lit-protocol";

const API_KEY = "<YOUR API KEY>";
const POLYGON_MUMBAI_RPC_URL = `${polygonMumbai.rpcUrls.alchemy.http[0]}/${API_KEY}`;
const PKP_PUBLIC_KEY = "<your pkp public key>";
const AUTH_METHOD = "<your auth method>";
// for info on obtaining an auth method and minting pkp's
// see here:
const litSigner = new LitSigner<LitAuthMethod>({
  pkpPublicKey: PKP_PUBLIC_KEY,
  rpcUrl: RPC_URL,
// returns a `LitSessionSigsMap` instance if the authentication was successful
const authDetails = await litSigner.authenticate({
  context: AUTH_METHOD,

Session Signatures

import {
  type LitSessionSigsMap,
} from "@alchemy/aa-signers/lit-protocol";

const PKP_PUBLIC_KEY = "<your pkp public key>";
const SESSION_SIGS = "<your sessionSig>";
const RPC_URL = "<your rpc url>";
// for info on obtaining an auth method and minting pkp's
// see here:
const litSigner = new LitSigner<LitSessionSigsMap>({
  pkpPublicKey: PKP_PUBLIC_KEY,
  rpcUrl: RPC_URL,
// returns a `SessionSigMap` regardless of using an auth sig or session signature
const authDetails = await litSigner.authenticate({
  context: SESSION_SIGS,



A Promise containing the LitUserMetadata, a map of string -> object containing the following fields:

  • sig: string -- Signed authentication message of the given network node.
  • derivedVia: string -- How the signature was generated.
  • address: string -- Ethereum address of the key.
  • algo: string -- Signing algorithm used.
  • signedMessage: string -- SIWE ReCap Authentication message in the format of SIWE ReCap.