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getAuthDetails returns the details about the authenticated user as LitUserMetadata, which is a SessionSigsMap: the authentication result when successful.

This method must be called after authenticate. Otherwise, this method will throw an error with the message Not Authenticated.


import { createLitSignerWithAuthMethod } from "./lit";

const litSigner = new createLitSignerWithAuthMethod();
await litSigner.authenticate({
  context: AUTH_METHOD,
// returns a `SessionSigMap` regardless of using an auth sig or session signature
let authDetails = await litSigner.getAuthDetails();



A Promise containing the LitUserMetadata, a map of string -> object containing the following fields:

  • sig: string -- Signed authentication message of the given network node.
  • deriviedVia: string -- How the signature was generated.
  • address: string -- Ethereum address of the key.
  • algo: string -- Signing algorithm used.
  • signedMessage: string -- SIWE ReCap Authentication message in the format of SIWE ReCap.