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To initialize a ParticleSigner, you must provide a set of parameters detailed below.


import { ParticleSigner } from "@alchemy/aa-signers/particle";
// instantiates using every possible parameter, as a reference
const particle = new ParticleNetwork({
  projectId: "PROJECT_ID",
  clientKey: "CLIENT_KEY",
  appId: "APP_ID",
  chainName: "Ethereum",
  chainId: 1,
  securityAccount: {
    promptSettingWhenSign: true,
    promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin: true,
  preload: true,
  wallet: {
    displayWalletEntry: true,
    preload: true,
    supportChains: [{ id: 1, name: "Ethereum" }],
    uiMode: "auto",
    customStyle: {
      supportAddToken: true,
      supportChains: [{ id: 1, name: "Ethereum" }],
      displayTokenAddresses: [],
      displayNFTContractAddresses: [],
      priorityTokenAddresses: [],
      priorityNFTContractAddresses: [],
      fiatCoin: "USD",
      evmSupportWalletConnect: true,
      supportUIModeSwitch: true,
      supportLanguageSwitch: true,



A new instance of a ParticleSigner.


params: Config | { inner: ParticleNetwork; provider?: ParticleProvider }

You can either pass in a constructed ParticleNetwork object, or directly pass into the ParticleSigner the Config used to construct a ParticleNetwork object. These parameters are listed on the ParticleNetwork docs as well.

Config takes in the following parameters:

  • projectId: string -- a Particle project ID. You can get one at the Particle Developer Dashboard.

  • clientKey: string-- Particle client key. You can get this at the Particle Developer Dashboard.

  • appId: string-- ID of Particle app. You can get this at the Particle Developer Dashboard.

  • chainName: string -- [optional] name of chain on which to use the Particle Signer.

  • chainId: number -- [optional] ID of chain on which to use the Particle Signer.

  • securityAccount: Object-- [optional] object with the below flags

    • promptSettingWhenSign: SettingOption | boolean -- [optional] Flag to prompt settings to the user when signing using the Particle Signer. Modular to different levels of appearance frequency.

    • promptMasterPasswordSettingWhenLogin: SettingOption | boolean -- [optional] Flag to prompt master password setting to the user when logging in using the Particle Signer. Modular to different levels of appearance frequency.

  • preload: boolean -- [optional] Flag to pre-load the Particle Signer.

  • wallet: WalletEntryOption -- [optional] object with the below fields

    • displayWalletEntry: boolean -- [optional] Flag to display whether or not the circular wallet modal will be included on the web page after logging in.

    • preload: boolean -- [optional] Flag to preload the wallet information.

    • defaultWalletEntryPosition: WalletEntryPosition -- [optional] - Enum Setting to determine position of wallet entry on screen. Only applicable if displayWalletEntry is true.

    • supportChains: Chain[] -- [optional] List of supported chains

    • uiMode: 'dark' | 'light' | 'auto' -- [optional] Mode of UI.

    • customStyle: WalletCustomStyle -- [optional] Object defining the custom styling for the wallet. Typing shown in Particle's Github repo here.