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To initialize a PortalSigner, you must provide a set of parameters detailed below.


import { PortalSigner } from "@alchemy/aa-signers/portal";
import { ChainId } from "@portal/portal-web3-provider";
// instantiates using every possible parameter, as a reference
const portalSigner = new PortalSigner({
  // Required options
  gatewayConfig: GatewayLike
  // Optional options
  apiKey?: string
  authToken?: string
  authUrl?: string
  autoApprove?: boolean
  chainId?: number
  gdrive?: GDriveConfig
  host?: string
  keychain?: KeychainAdapter
  mpcVersion?: string
  featureFlags?: FeatureFlags



A new instance of a PortalSigner.


params: PortalProviderConfig | { inner: PortalWeb3Provider }

You can either pass in a constructed PortalWeb3Provider object, or directly pass into the PortalSigner the PortalProviderConfig used to construct a PortalWeb3Provider object. These parameters are listed on the Portal repo as well.

PortalProviderConfig takes in the following parameters:

  • gatewayConfig: { [key: number]: string } | string -- a Config for the Portal Signer, typically an Alchemy RPC URL.

  • apiKey: string -- [optional] A Portal API Key. You can get one at the Portal Dashboard.

  • authToken: string -- [optional] A Portal auth token.

  • authUrl: string -- [optional] A Portal auth URL.

  • autoApprove: boolean -- [optional] Flag to auto-approve signatures.

  • chainId: number -- [optional] A chain ID.

  • gdrive: { clientId: string } -- [optional] An ID of a google drive config the Portal Signer can use.

  • host: string -- [optional] A host URL.

  • keychain: KeychainAdapter -- [optional] An object containing metadata for the Portal Signer's keychain.

  • mpcVersion: string -- [optional] The version of MPC the Portal Signer should use.

  • featureFlags: { optimized: boolean } -- [optional] An object with feature flags on the Portal Signer. Defaults false for optimization (beta).