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authenticate is a method on the TurnkeySigner which leverages the Turnkey SDK to authenticate a user.

This method must be called before accessing the other methods available on the TurnkeySigner, such as signing messages or typed data or accessing user details.



import {
} from "@alchemy/aa-signers/turnkey";
import { TurnkeyClient, createActivityPoller } from "@turnkey/http";
import { WebauthnStamper } from "@turnkey/webauthn-stamper";
import { http } from "viem";
// Create the Turnkey client
const turnkeyClient = new TurnkeyClient(
    baseUrl: "",
  new WebauthnStamper({
    rpId: "",
const resolveSubOrganization = async () => {
  // Follow [Turnkey's Sub-Organization as Wallets guide](
  // to see all options.
  const activityPoller = createActivityPoller({
    client: turnkeyClient,
    requestFn: turnkeyClient.createSubOrganization,
  const activity = await activityPoller({
    timestampMs: String(,
    organizationId: "TURNKEY_ORGANIZATION_ID",
    parameters: {
      subOrganizationName: "Sub-Org Name",
      rootQuorumThreshold: 1,
      rootUsers: [
          userName: "User Name",
          apiKeys: [],
          authenticators: [
              authenticatorName: "User Passkey",
              challenge: "c29tZV9yYW5kb21fY2hhbG-bmdl",
              attestation: {
                credentialId: "Y3JlZGVudGlhbElEX2V4YW1wbGU=+",
                clientDataJson: "eyJ0eXBlIjoiY3JlYXRlIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiYzI",
                attestationObject: "YXR0ZXN0YXRpb25PYmplY3RfZXhhbXBsZQ_F",
                transports: ["AUTHENTICATOR_TRANSPORT_HYBRID"],
      wallet: {
        walletName: "User Wallet",
        accounts: [
            curve: "CURVE_SECP256K1",
            pathFormat: "PATH_FORMAT_BIP32",
            path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0",
            addressFormat: "ADDRESS_FORMAT_ETHEREUM",
  return new TurnkeySubOrganization({
    signWith: activity.result.createSubOrganizationResultV4!.wallet!.walletId,
// Now create the TurnkeySigner and authenticate with the wallet
const turnkeySigner = new TurnkeySigner({ inner: turnkeyClient });
const authParams = {
  transport: http(""),
await turnkeySigner.authenticate(authParams);



A Promise containing the TurnkeyUserMetadata, and object with the following fields:

  • organizationId: string -- unique identifier for the user's organization.
  • organizationName: string -- human-readable name for the user's organization.
  • userId: string -- unique identifier for the user.
  • username: string -- human-readable name for the user.


authParams: <TurnkeyAuthParams>

An object with the following fields:

  • transport -- a viem Transport you can define to execute RPC requests.
  • resolveSubOrganization: () => Promise<TurnkeySubOrganization> -- a method you can define as necessary to leverage the Turnkey SDK for authenticating a wallet as a sub-organization. For instance, in the example above, authenticate uses the createSubOrganization method.