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Contribute your Signer

If you would like to add your Signer to Account Kit, we welcome PRs! You will need to fork the aa-sdk Github repo and then follow the below steps.

1. Add your Signer to aa-signers

To ensure the best developer experience for anyone using Account Kit, we ask that you add your Signer implementation to our aa-signers SDK package.

There, you will be able to implement SmartAccountAuthenticator interface from aa-core which offers a wrapper for any SDKs, inner, that you may use to call upon for implementation details. You may also wish to build your Signer implementation from scratch.

In either case, if your Signer or library exports an EIP-1193 compliant provider, you may find it helpful to use WalletClientSigner from aa-core to easily integrate your Signer in aa-signers. See the "Using your own Signer" guide for more details.

Make sure to include unit tests along with your implementation! Take a look at these PRs from Magic and Web3Auth for reference.

2. Add documentation about your Signer

You will want to add documentation about your Signers so that developers can easily use your implementation in Account Kit. Below, we recommend adding documentation about your Signer's APIs, as well.

To ensure these docs are visible on the Account Kit docs, you will want to add links to them in the site/.vitepress/sidebar/packages/aa-signers.ts file in the aa-sdk repo, where there is a aaSignersSidebar configuration.

2.1 Add API documentation

If your Signer implements the SmartAccountAuthenticator interface, you will have at least 5 methods to document: getAddress, authenticate, signMessage, signTypedData, and getAuthDetails. You can also add additional methods to your implementation. Just make sure to add documentation!

Note that the text property of the entry is what will be visible in the sidebar and the link property should be kebab-case:

export const aaSignersSidebar: DefaultTheme.SidebarItem = {
  text: "aa-signers",
  collapsed: true,
  base: "/packages/aa-signers",
  items: [
      text: "Getting started",
      link: "/",
    // ... other signers
      text: "Your Signer Name",
      collapsed: true,
      base: "/packages/aa-signers/<your_signer>",
      items: [
        { text: "Introduction", link: "/introduction" },
        { text: "constructor", link: "/constructor" },
        { text: "authenticate", link: "/authenticate" },
        { text: "getAddress", link: "/getAddress" },
        { text: "signMessage", link: "/signMessage" },
        { text: "signTypedData", link: "/signTypedData" },
        { text: "getAuthDetails", link: "/getAuthDetails" },
    { text: "Contributing", link: "/contributing" },

In that section, add documentation introducing the value prop of your Signer, how to initialize the Signer object, and how to call each method. The example above shows the items you will need to include if you chose to have your Signer implement the SmartAccountAuthenticator interface.

2.2 Add an integration guide

You will want to add an integration guide that walks through step-by-step how to use your Signer implementation in aa-signers with the other building blocks, namely smart accounts and provider clients.

Find the Choosing a Signer item in the sidebar and add a new entry in items. The text property of the entry is what will be visible in the sidebar and the link property should be kebab-case. Place it above the Externally Owned Account guide:

  sidebar: [
    // ... other entries
      text: "Choosing a Signer",
      base: "/signers",
      items: [
        { text: "Introduction", link: "/choosing-a-signer" },
          text: "Signer Guides",
          base: "/signers/guides",
          collapsed: true,
          items: [
            // ... other signers
            { text: "Your Signer", link: "/your-signer-name" },
            { text: "Externally Owned Account (EOA)", link: "/eoa" },
            { text: "Using your own", link: "/custom-signer" },
        { text: "Contributing Your Signer", link: "/contributing" },

In that linked file your-signer-name under Signer Guides, add your step-by-step integration. Try to include an example snippet when possible.

Again, for reference, take a look at these PRs from Magic and Web3Auth.

3. Submit a pull request

You can open a PR to merge the branch with your Signer implementation from your forked repo into the main branch of the aa-sdk repo. We will make sure to review it promptly, provider feedback, and merge the PR when ready so that developers can use your Signer!