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Passport Integration Guide

Passport is an MPC-based programmable, distributed, and non-custodial key management system, that allows users to generate wallets, scoped to their application, either via user Passkeys or any developer defined authentication method. Passport also allows users to sign messages, transactions, encrypt data, and more. Using secure multi-party computation (MPC) algorithms Passport splits private keys into shares that are solely distributed among nodes in the network. It also leverages secure enclaves and developer-defined policies, to ensure that the decryption of keys is confined to an enclave and that the signing process adheres to the policy framework established by your application.

Combining Passport with Account Kit allows you to create a seamless user experience for your users, with the security of Passport's MPC-based key management system and the flexibility of Account Abstraction. You can use Passport through the aa-signers package to generate integrated wallets at scale, and then leverage aa-alchemy to create smart accounts for your users.


Getting Started

You can get started on Passport by configuring your scope and authentication rules, you can find detailed instructions on this, by following the Passport Documentation.

Install the SDK

Using PassportSigner in the aa-signers package requires installation of the @0xpass/passport and @0xpass/webauthn-signer.

npm i @0xpass/passport
npm i @0xpass/webauthn-signer

Create a PassportSigner

Next, setup the Passport SDK and create an authenticated PassportSigner using the aa-signers package to use an authenticated Passport Signer, you need to register a user account, which is attached to your application scope, following that you can authenticate the user, and and begin combining with Alchemy's Account Kit.

import { PassportSigner } from "@alchemy/aa-signers/passport";
import { Passport } from "@0xpass/passport";
import { WebauthnSigner } from "@0xpass/webauthn-signer";
import { http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
export const passport = new Passport({
  scope_id: "scope_id",
  signer: new WebauthnSigner({
    rpId: "rpId",
    rpName: "rpName",
export const createPassportSigner = async () => {
  const passportSigner = new PassportSigner({ inner: passport });
  await passportSigner.authenticate({
    username: "test",
    userDisplayName: "test",
    chain: sepolia,
    fallbackProvider: http(
  return passportSigner;

Use it with Light Account

Let's see it in action with aa-alchemy and ModularAccount from aa-accounts:

import { createModularAccountAlchemyClient } from "@alchemy/aa-alchemy";
import { sepolia } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
import { createPassportSigner } from "./passport";
const chain = sepolia;
await passport.register({ username: "test", userDisplayName: "test" });
const provider = await createModularAccountAlchemyClient({
  apiKey: "ALCHEMY_API_KEY",
  signer: await createPassportSigner(),