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Modular Account


Modular Account is an ERC-4337 smart account that supports customizable features with ERC-6900 plugins. It is fully production-ready with multiple security audits, three prebuilt plugins in MultiOwnerPlugin, SessionKeyPlugin, and MultisigPlugin, and the capability to support any custom account behavior you need.

Why Modular Account?

Make the most of Account Abstraction

Smart accounts unlock lots of customizable ways to improve the wallet experience. Still, it requires writing this behavior into the smart contract for the account, which is difficult and security-critical. Modular Account uses the ERC-6900 framework to simplify creating powerful features for smart accounts. We have created three plugins to level up your smart accounts, and we look forward to what new plugins you create!

Multi Owner Plugin

The Multi Owner plugin lets your smart accounts have one or more ECDSA or SCA owners. This allows your account to integrate with multiple signers simultaneously and supports recovering your account if one is lost.

Read more about Multi Owner Plugin and how to get started with Modular Account here!

Session Key Plugin

The Session Key plugin lets your smart account add additional signers with specific permissions to your account. Session keys can be customized and configured to:

  • Contract Restrictions: restrict to only interact with specific contracts and/or a subset of their methods
  • Spending Limits: spend up to a set amount of ERC-20 tokens or native token amount
  • Time Period: expire after specific time periods

Session keys let you streamline interactions by reducing confirmation steps or automating actions on behalf of the account. These features are kept secure through the permission system, which protects the account from malicious use of the session key.

Read more about installing and using the Session Key plugin here!

Multisig Plugin

The Multisig plugin allows your account to have multiple ECDSA or SCA signers and require multiple signatures to perform actions on the account. This is commonly referred to as a k-of-n signature scheme and would create Modular Accounts that are similar to Gnosis Safe accounts. This plugin is recommended for accounts that require maximum security.

Read more about Multisig Plugin here!

Full compatibility

Modular Account also supports the same baseline set of account abstraction features as Light Account: sponsoring gas, batching transactions, rotating owners, and checking ERC-1271 signatures.

Build your own Plugin

Have an idea for more account features? Modular Account supports ERC-6900 for installing and uninstalling additional plugins to your account, letting you fully customize the account logic.

Check out the plugin development guide here if you’re interested!

Secure, audited, open source

Modular Account has been audited by Spearbit and Quanstamp. You can find the audit reports here. Modular Account is fully open source, so you can validate the source code.