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Converts a traditional Ethereum transaction and builds an unsigned UserOperation (UO) struct with all middleware of the SmartAccountClient run through the client middleware pipeline.

Learn more about ClientMiddleware to learn more about the internals of SmartAccountClient middleware pipeline that builds the user operation request given the user transaction call data and the operating account data.


import type { RpcTransactionRequest } from "viem";
import { smartAccountClient } from "./smartAccountClient";

// buildUserOperationFromTx converts a traditional Ethereum transaction and returns
// the unsigned user operation struct after constructing the user operation struct
// through the middleware pipeline
const tx: RpcTransactionRequest = {
  from, // ignored
  data: encodeFunctionData({
    abi: ContractABI.abi,
    functionName: "func",
    args: [arg1, arg2, ...],
const uoStruct = await smartAccountClient.buildUserOperationFromTx(tx);
// signUserOperation signs the above unsigned user operation struct built
// using the account connected to the smart account client
const request = await smartAccountClient.signUserOperation({ uoStruct });
// You can use the BundlerAction `sendRawUserOperation` (packages/core/src/actions/bundler/sendRawUserOperation.ts)
// to send the signed user operation request to the bundler, requesting the bundler to send the signed uo to the
// EntryPoint contract pointed at the entryPoint address parameter
const entryPointAddress = client.account.getEntryPoint().address;
const uoHash = await smartAccountClient.sendRawUserOperation({ request, entryPoint: entryPointAddress });



A Promise containing the unsigned UO struct converted from the input transaction with all the middleware run on the resulting UO



Same as viem TransactionRequest, but with the from field excluded

export type SendTransactionParameters<
  TChain extends Chain | undefined = Chain | undefined,
  TAccount extends Account | undefined = Account | undefined,
  TChainOverride extends Chain | undefined = Chain | undefined,
  derivedChain extends Chain | undefined = DeriveChain<TChain, TChainOverride>
> = UnionOmit<FormattedTransactionRequest<derivedChain>, "from"> &
  GetAccountParameter<TAccount> &
  GetChainParameter<TChain, TChainOverride>;

Optional parameter where you can specify override values for maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, callGasLimit, preVerificationGas, verificationGasLimit, paymasterAndData, or nonceKey for the user operation request. You can also specify a stateOverride to be passed into eth_estimateUserOperationGas during gas estimation.

  • account?: TAccount extends SmartContractAccount | undefined

When using this action, if the SmartContractAccount has not been connected to the SmartAccountClient (e.g. SmartAccountClient not instantiated with your SmartContractAccount during createSmartAccountClient). If the account is not connected, you can specify the SmartContractAccount instance to use for the function call.