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Attempts to drop and replace an existing user operation by increasing fees. The fee replacement logic sets the maxPriorityFee and maxPriorityFeePerGas to the max(current_estimate, prev_uo * 1.1) (i.e. the current max fee or 110% of the previous fee).


import { smartAccountClient } from "./smartAccountClient";
const { request } = await smartAccountClient.sendUserOperation({
  uo: {
    data: "0xCalldata",
    target: "0xTarget",
    value: 0n,
const { hash: replacedHash } =
  await smartAccountClient.dropAndReplaceUserOperation(request);


Promise<{ hash: Hash, request: UserOperationRequest }>

A Promise containing the hash of the user operation request sent to the bundler with higher gas to be mined faster as the replacement of the input user operation request.

Note: The hash is not the User Operation Receipt. The user operation still needs to be bundled and included in a block. The user operation result is more of a proof of submission than a receipt.


DropAndReplaceUserOperationParameters<TAccount extends SmartContractAccount | undefined = SmartContractAccount | undefined>

  • uoToDrop: UserOperationRequest

A previously submitted UserOperationRequest to be dropped and replaced by a new user operation with higher gas to be mined faster

Optional parameter where you can specify override values for maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, callGasLimit, preVerificationGas, verificationGasLimit, paymasterAndData, or nonceKey for the user operation request

  • account?: TAccount extends SmartContractAccount | undefined

When using this action, if the SmartContractAccount has not been connected to the SmartAccountClient (e.g. SmartAccountClient not instantiated with your SmartContractAccount during createSmartAccountClient). You can check if the account is connected to the client by checking the account field of SmartAccountClient. If the account is not connected, you can specify the SmartContractAccount instance to use for the function call.