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This function takes a set of Ethereum transactions and batch converts to one single UserOperation (UO) struct, signs and sends that UO request, and waits on the receipt of that UO (i.e., has it been mined). If you don't want to wait for the UO to mine, it is recommended to use sendUserOperation instead.

NOTE: Not all Smart Contract Accounts support batching. The SmartContractAccount implementation must implement the encodeBatchExecute method for the SmartAccountClient to execute the batched user operation successfully.

Note that to, data, value, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas fields of the transaction request type are considered and used to build the user operation from the transaction, while other fields are not used.


import { smartAccountClient } from "./smartAccountClient";

const requests: RpcTransactionRequest[] = [
    from, // ignored
    data: encodeFunctionData({
      abi: ContractABI.abi,
      functionName: "func",
      args: [arg1, arg2, ...],
    from, // ignored
    data: encodeFunctionData({
      abi: ContractABI.abi,
      functionName: "func",
      args: [arg1, arg2, ...],
    from, // ignored
    data: encodeFunctionData({
      abi: ContractABI.abi,
      functionName: "func",
      args: [arg1, arg2, ...],
const txHash = await smartAccountClient.sendTransactions({ requests });


Promise<Hash | null>

A Promise containing the transaction hash of the batched user operation of the input transactions


SendTransactionsParameters<TAccount extends SmartContractAccount | undefined = SmartContractAccount | undefined>

export type SendTransactionsParameters<
  TAccount extends SmartContractAccount | undefined,
  TContext extends UserOperationContext | undefined =
    | UserOperationContext
    | undefined,
  TEntryPointVersion extends GetEntryPointFromAccount<TAccount> = GetEntryPointFromAccount<TAccount>
> = {
  requests: RpcTransactionRequest[];
} & GetAccountParameter<TAccount> &
  GetContextParameter<TContext> &
  • requests: RpcTransactionRequest[]

The viem RpcTransactionRequest type representing a traditional ethereum transaction

Optional parameter where you can specify override values for maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, callGasLimit, preVerificationGas, verificationGasLimit, paymasterAndData, or nonceKey for the user operation request

  • account?: TAccount extends SmartContractAccount | undefined

When using this action, if the SmartContractAccount has not been connected to the SmartAccountClient (e.g. SmartAccountClient not instantiated with your SmartContractAccount during createSmartAccountClient). You can check if the account is connected to the client by checking the account field of SmartAccountClient. If the account is not connected, you can specify the SmartContractAccount instance to use for the function call.