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Sends a user operation or batch of user operations using the connected account. Before executing, sendUserOperation will run the user operation through the middleware pipeline.

Learn more about ClientMiddleware to learn more about the internals of SmartAccountClient middleware pipeline that builds the user operation request given the user transaction call data and the operating account data.


import { smartAccountClient } from "./smartAccountClient";

// send single
  uo: {
    data: "0xCalldata",
    target: "0xTarget",
    value: 0n,
// send batch
// NOTE: Not all Smart Contract Accounts support batching.
// The `SmartContractAccount` implementation must have the `encodeBatchExecute` method
// implemented for the `SmartAccountClient` to execute the batched user operation successfully.
  uo: [
      data: "0xCalldata",
      target: "0xTarget",
      data: "0xCalldata2",
      target: "0xTarget2",
      value: 1000n, // in wei


Promise<{ hash: Hash, request: UserOperationRequest }>

A Promise containing the hash of the user operation and the request that was sent.

Note: The hash is not the User Operation Receipt. The user operation still needs to be bundled and included in a block. The user operation result is more of a proof of submission than a receipt.



export type SendUserOperationParameters<
  TAccount extends SmartContractAccount | undefined,
  TContext extends UserOperationContext | undefined =
    | UserOperationContext
    | undefined,
  TEntryPointVersion extends GetEntryPointFromAccount<TAccount> = GetEntryPointFromAccount<TAccount>
> = {
  uo: UserOperationCallData | BatchUserOperationCallData;
} & GetAccountParameter<TAccount> &
  GetContextParameter<TContext> &
  • uo: UserOperationCallData | BatchUserOperationCallData

    export type UserOperationCallData =
      | {
          /* the target of the call */
          target: Address;
          /* the data passed to the target */
          data: Hex;
          /* the amount of native token to send to the target (default: 0) */
          value?: bigint;
      | Hex;
    • target: Address - the target of the call (equivalent to to in a transaction)
    • data: Hex - can be either 0x or a call data string
    • value?: bigint - optionally, set the value in wei you want to send to the target
  • overrides?: UserOperationOverrides

Optional parameter where you can specify override values for maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, callGasLimit, preVerificationGas, verificationGasLimit, paymasterAndData, or nonceKey for the user operation request. You can also specify a stateOverride to be passed into eth_estimateUserOperationGas during gas estimation.

  • account?: TAccount extends SmartContractAccount | undefined

When using this action, if the SmartContractAccount has not been connected to the SmartAccountClient (e.g. SmartAccountClient not instantiated with your SmartContractAccount during createSmartAccountClient). You can check if the account is connected to the client by checking the account field of SmartAccountClient. If the account is not connected, you can specify the SmartContractAccount instance to use for the function call.