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Contains override values to be applied on the user operation request to be constructed or sent. Available fields include maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, callGasLimit, preVerificationGas, verificationGasLimit, paymasterAndData, or nonceKey. You can also specify a stateOverride to be passed into eth_estimateUserOperationGas during gas estimation.

These override values are available from each middleware of the SmartAccountClient. For example, the default middlewares such as gasEstimator or feeEstimator apply the override values to the estimated values if the override values are provided.

Other than the paymasterAndData and the nonceKey fields, the override fields could be either the absolute or the multiplier. In default middlewares, if the override value is absolute, it simply overrides the estimated value. If the override value is a multiplier value, the estimated value is bumped with the indicated multiplier value. For example, if the override value is { multiplier: 1.1 } for the maxPriorityFeePerGas field, then a 1.1 multiplier, or a 10% increase, is applied to the estimated maxPriorityFeePerGas of the user operation.

The paymasterAndData only allows an absolute value override of value 0x for bypassing the paymaster middleware entirely. This is useful when a user is not eligible for gas sponsorship, but is comfortable paying for the gas of the User Operation themselves. Refer to our guide How to handle User Operations that are not eligible for gas sponsorship on the example of using the paymasterAndData override to bypass the paymaster middleware to fallback to the user paying the gas fee instead of the gas being subsidized by the paymaster.

Lastly, noneKey can be used to override the key used when calling entryPoint.getNonce. It is useful when you want to use parallel nonces for user operations. This is useful when you want to send multiple user operations in parallel. Note that not all bundlers fully support this feature and it could be that your bundler will still only include one user operation for your account in a bundle.

type BytesLike = Uint8Array | Hex;
export type UserOperationOverrides = Partial<{
  callGasLimit: UserOperationStruct["callGasLimit"] | Multiplier;
  maxFeePerGas: UserOperationStruct["maxFeePerGas"] | Multiplier;
    | UserOperationStruct["maxPriorityFeePerGas"]
    | Multiplier;
  preVerificationGas: UserOperationStruct["preVerificationGas"] | Multiplier;
    | UserOperationStruct["verificationGasLimit"]
    | Multiplier;
  paymasterAndData: EmptyHex; // only "0x" allowed for paymasterAndData override
  nonceKey: bigint;


import type { UserOperationOverrides } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
import { smartAccountClient } from "./smartAccountClient.ts";

// Use maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, and paymasterAndData override
// to manually set the tx gas fees and the paymasterAndData field
const overrides: UserOperationOverrides = {
  maxFeePerGas: 100000000n,
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: 100000000n,
  paymasterAndData: "0x",
const userOperationResult = await smartAccountClient.sendUserOperation(
    target: "0xTargetAddress",
    data: "0xCallData",
// Fallback to user paying the gas fee instead of the paymaster
const txHash = await smartAccountClient.waitForUserOperationTransaction({
  hash: userOperationResult.hash,