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The authenticate method is used to authenticate a user with the Alchemy Signer.


import { signer } from "./signer";
// init the email auth flow
// NOTE: the signer will handle waiting for email auth to complete in another tab with this method
const user = await signer.authenticate({
  type: "email",
  email: "[email protected]",
  // optionally, pass in redirect params that will be appended to the magic link url for the user
  // in this example, a callback=/home param will be added to the final URL
  redirectParams: new URLSearchParams({ callback: "/home" }),
// OR if you have the bundle the query params
const user = await signer.authenticate({
  type: "email",
  bundle: new URLSearchParams("bundle"),


Promise<User> -- on success returns a User object representing the authenticated user.


AuthParams -- an object that contains the following properties:

export type AuthParams =
  | { type: "email"; email: string; redirectParams?: URLSearchParams }
  | { type: "email"; bundle: string; orgId?: string }
  | {
      type: "passkey";
      createNew: false;
  | {
      type: "passkey";
      createNew: true;
      username: string;
      creationOpts?: CredentialCreationOptionOverrides;