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Alchemy Smart Account Client

To create an AlchemySmartAccountClient, you must provide a set of parameters detailed below. For Fraxtal, Fraxtal Testnet, Zora, and Zora Sepolia networks, apiKey and jwt provide an rpcUrl from a RPC provider since Alchemy currently only supports Account Abstraction for these networks. Please refer to documentation from Frax and Zora about RPC options.


import { createAlchemySmartAccountClient } from "@alchemy/aa-alchemy";
import { getDefaultEntryPointAddress } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
import { sepolia } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
// instantiates using every possible parameter, as a reference
export const client = createAlchemySmartAccountClient({
  /// REQUIRED ///
  apiKey: "ALCHEMY_API_KEY", // replace with your Alchemy API Key
  chain: sepolia,
  /// OPTIONAL ///
  opts: {
    txMaxRetries: 10,
    txRetryIntervalMs: 2_000,
    txRetryMultiplier: 1.5,
    minPriorityFeePerBid: 100_000_000n,
    feeOpts: {
      baseFeeBufferMultiplier: 1.5n,
      maxPriorityFeeBufferMultiplier: 1.05,
      preVerificationGasBufferMultiplier: 1.05,
  // will simulate user operations before sending them to ensure they don't revert
  useSimulation: true,
  // if you want to use alchemy's gas manager
  gasManagerConfig: {
    policyId: "policy-id",



A new instance of an AlchemySmartAccountClient.


config: AlchemySmartAccountClientConfig

  • rpcUrl: string | undefined | never -- a JSON-RPC URL. This is required if there is no apiKey.

  • apiKey: string | undefined | never -- an Alchemy API Key. This is required if there is no rpcUrl or jwt.

  • jwt: string | undefined | never -- an Alchemy JWT (JSON web token). This is required if there is no apiKey.

  • useSimulation: boolean -- [optional] -- whether or not to simulate User Operations before sending them to ensure they don't revert

  • gasManagerConfig: AlchemyGasManagerConfig -- [optional] if you want to use Alchemy's gas manager to sponsor gas.

    • policyId: string -- the policy id of the gas manager you want to use.
    • gasEstimationOptions: AlchemyGasEstimationOptions -- [optional] optional option configurable for the gas estimation portion of the Alchemy gas manager
    • paymasterAddress: Address -- [optional] paymaster address to use for the gas estimation. If not provided, the default paymaster address for the chain will be used.
    • dummyData: Hex -- [optional] dummy paymaster data to use for the gas estimation. If not provided, the default dummy data string will be used.
  • ...accountParams: CreateLightAccountParams -- additional parameters to pass to the createLightAccount.

  • ...clientParams -- [optional] additional parameters to pass to the SmartAccountClient constructor.