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The Alchemy Signer is a SmartAccountSigner that is powered by Alchemy's Signer Infrastructure. Using the Alchemy Signer, you can get started building embedded accounts with just an Alchemy API key!


Once you have enabled the Alchemy Signer in the dashboard, getting started is really simple. Install the @alchemy/aa-alchemy package and initialize your signer:

import { AlchemySigner } from "@alchemy/aa-alchemy";
export const signer = new AlchemySigner({
  client: {
    // This is created in your dashboard under ``
    // NOTE: it is not recommended to expose your API key on the client, instead proxy requests to your backend and set the `rpcUrl`
    // here to point to your backend.
    connection: { apiKey: "alcht_<KEY>" },
    iframeConfig: {
      // you will need to render a container with this id in your DOM
      iframeContainerId: "turnkey-iframe-container",

Using the Signer with Smart Contract Accounts

Once your signer is authenticated with a user, you can use it to sign User Operations by creating a SmartContractAccount and passing the signer to it. For example:

import { signer } from "./signer";
export const account = await createMultiOwnerModularAccount({
  transport: rpcTransport,

Using the Signer as an EOA

Because the Alchemy Signer has its own address and supports signing messages as raw hashes, it is possible to use this signer as an EOA directly. To do so, you can adapt the Alchemy Signer to your library of choice and leverage its signMessage, signTypedData, and signTransaction methods directly. The public address of the signer can be accessed via getAddress.

If you are using viem, then you can use the toViemAccount method which will allow you to use the signer with a WalletClient.

import { signer } from "./signer";
import { createWalletClient, http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
export const walletClient = createWalletClient({
  transport: http("alchemy_rpc_url"),
  chain: sepolia,
  account: signer.toViemAccount(),


AlchemySigner -- an instance of the AlchemySigner that can be used as a signer on SmartContractAccount instances


AlchemySignerParams -- an object that contains the following properties:

  • client: AlchemySignerClient | AlchemySignerClientParams -- the underlying client to use for the signer. The AlchemySignerClientParams are defined as follows:
    • connection: ConnectionConfig -- the api config to use for calling Alchemy's APIs.
    • iframeConfig: IframeConfig -- the config to use for the iframe that will be used to interact with the signer.
      • iframeElementId?: string -- the id of the iframe element that will be injected into the DOM [default: "turnkey-iframe"]
      • iframeContainerId: string -- the id of the iframe container that you have injected into your DOM
  • sessionConfig?: SessionConfig -- optional parameter used to configure user sessions
    • sessionKey?: string -- the key that the session will be stored to in your chosen storage [default: "alchemy-signer-session"]
    • storage?: "localStorage" | "sessionStorage" -- the storage to use for the session [default: "localStorage"]
    • expirationTimeMs?: number -- the time in milliseconds that the session will be valid for [default: 15 minutes]