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EntryPoint v0.7 Update Guide

EntryPoint v0.7: A Milestone in Account Abstraction

Version 0.7, the latest advancement, brings significant updates and optimizations driven by community feedback and evolving needs:

  • Optimized Gas Management: Making transactions more cost-effective.
  • Advanced Security: Introducing stringent security measures for better account and transaction protection.
  • Enhanced Developer Tools: Offering improved resources for creating AA-enabled dApps.

What’s New in EntryPoint v0.7

EntryPoint v0.7 introduces several key features and improvements to streamline Account Abstraction further:

  • Optimized Data Structures: Refining transactional data structures for enhanced performance and reduced gas costs.
  • Simulation Functions and Deployment Overhaul: Version 0.7 removes on-chain simulation functions, directing them off-chain for bundlers, optimizing contract efficiency.
  • delegateAndRevert() Helper: This addition aids networks without state overrides, ensuring reliable validation and gas estimation.
  • ERC-165 supportsInterface: Enhancing interoperability.
  • Token Paymaster Template: Illustrating how to implement paymasters that can sponsor transaction fees.
  • Penalty for Unused Gas: Introducing a charge on unused gas limits to encourage efficient gas usage.
  • Streamlined Post-Operation Calls: Simplifying the transaction process by removing redundant postOp calls.
  • Gas Limit Specifications: Providing clearer guidelines for gas estimation and enhancing security.
  • Structural Adjustments: Separating off-chain and on-chain UserOperation representations for better efficiency and clarity.

With upgrade made for aa-sdk version v3.8.4, aa-sdk now supports both EntryPoint v0.6.0 and the latest v0.7.0 contract for compatible smart accounts.

Below are the steps to update your project from using EntryPoint v0.6.0 to v0.7.0 of the aa-sdk.


This guide assumes you are already on aa-sdk version ^3.x.x. If you are looking to upgrade from the older versions of aa-sdk, you can follow the Migration Guide to first upgrade aa-sdk version to ^3.x.x.

Upgrading to the latest version v3.8.4 of aa-sdk does not involve breaking changes if you continue to stay on using EntryPoint v0.6.0 for your smart accounts. If you are looking to update to using EntryPoint v0.7.0, you can simply do so by specifying in the optional entrypoint version parameter to the version 0.7.0 when instantiating your SmartContractAccount. For the initial launch of EntryPoint v0.7 support in aa-sdk, the default EntryPoint version will remain as v0.6.0, but note that this default version value will be changed to the latest version in the future versions of aa-sdk.

Account Support

Because EntryPoint is a singleton contract, where there is only one implementation and one instance exists on each chain, you first need to make sure the smart account and the bundler you are using is updated with a certain EntryPoint version.

From version ^3.8.4, aa-sdk lets you easily configure which EntryPoint version compatible Smart Account to use. aa-sdk supports 4 types of accounts natively, and the below table details which EntryPoints each account is valid for.

AccountEntryPoint v0.7EntryPoint v0.6
LightAccount v1 (< v.2.0.0)
LightAccount v2 (>= v2.0.0)

SmartContractAccount: optional entryPoint parameter for toSmartContractAccount

The only change that needs to be made to update to using EntryPoint v.7 is to specify the optional entryPoint parameter of the ToSmartContractAccountParams used for the toSmartContractAccount function when instantiating a SmartContractAccount. Based on the entryPoint parameter, which is of type EntryPointDef of the specific EntryPointVersion, the output SmartContractAccount will be strongly-typed with the structure compatible to perform the desired EntryPointVersion user operations. Using SimpleAccount as an example, you will have to make the following changes:

import { createSimpleAccount } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
import { getEntryPoint, LocalAccountSigner, type Hex } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
import { sepolia } from "@alchemy/aa-core";

const chain = sepolia;

const account = await createSimpleAccount({
  transport: http("RPC_URL"),
  entryPoint: getEntryPoint(chain, { version: "0.7.0" }), 


The BundlerClient will be compatible with both EntryPoint v0.6 and v0.7 operations, and the connected bundler is expected to determine the comaptible EntryPoint contract version based on the entryPointAddress parameter through the bundler RPC requests.

SmartAccountClient: EntryPointVersion inferred from the connected Smart Account

As mentioned above, Clients support multiple EntryPoint contract versions depending on the entryPointAddress used when calling the RPC methods. As SmartAccountClient is an extension to BundlerClient, it is compatible with both EntryPoint version v0.6 and v0.7. When the Account is connected to the Client to perform SmartAccountClientActions on the connected Account, then the SmartAccountClient will be strongly-typed with the EntryPointVersion type inferred from the Account.

Using EntryPoint v0.7 Smart Account with SmartAccountClient

import {
  type Hex,
} from "@alchemy/aa-core";
import { sepolia } from "@alchemy/aa-core";
import { http, custom } from "viem";

const chain = sepolia;

const client = createBundlerClient({
  transport: http("JSON_RPC_URL"),

const account_v7 = await createSimpleAccount({
  transport: custom(client),
  entryPoint: getEntryPoint(chain, { version: "0.7.0" }), // required for EntryPoint v0.7 [!code ++]

const smartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClientFromExisting({

const uoStruct_v7: UserOperationStruct<"0.7.0"> =
  await smartAccountClient.buildUserOperation({
    uo: {
      target: "0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef",
      data: "0x",
      value: 10n,
    account: account_v7,

// uoStruct_v7: UserOperationStruct<"0.7.0"> = {
//   sender: string;
//   nonce: BigNumberish;
//   initCode: BytesLike | "0x";  [!code --]
//   factory?: string;  [!code ++]
//   factoryData?: BytesLike;  [!code ++]
//   callData: BytesLike;
//   callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
//   verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
//   preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
//   maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
//   maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
//   paymasterAndData: BytesLike | "0x";  [!code --]
//   paymaster?: string;  [!code ++]
//   paymasterVerificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish;  [!code ++]
//   paymasterPostOpGasLimit?: BigNumberish;  [!code ++]
//   paymasterData?: BytesLike;  [!code ++]
//   signature: BytesLike;
// }


Similar to the updated UserOperation type from EntryPoint v0.6 to v0.7, UserOperationOverrides types are different from the two version operations.

paymasterAndData field replaced with paymaster address and the paymasterData separated in addition to the 2 added paymaster operation gas limit fields

export type UserOperationOverrides<'0.7.0'> = {
  paymasterAndData?: EmptyHex;  
  paymaster?: string;  
  paymasterData?: EmptyHex;  
  paymasterVerificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish | Multiplier;  
  paymasterPostOpGasLimit?: BigNumberish | Multiplier;  


Note that per ERC-4337, paymaster fields (paymaster, paymasterData, paymasterValidationGasLimit, paymasterPostOpGasLimit) either all exist, or none in the final UserOperation request sent to the connected Bundler.

stateOverride field added to UserOperationOverrides for validating and estimating gas for transactions

The state overrides during transaction calls (e.g., eth_call and eth_estimateGas) allow for more flexible testing and gas estimation. Specifically, EntryPoint v0.7 introduced the delegateAndRevert() helper in the EntryPoint contract to accommodate nodes without state overrides in eth_call and eth_estimateGas for validating and estimating gas for transactions in simulated conditions without permanently changing the on-chain state.

Although some bundlers, such as Alchemy rundler, do support the stateOverride feature for user operation gas estimation for both EntryPoint v0.6 and v0.7 user operations, until Entrypoint v0.6, the eth_estimateUserOperationGas RPC method did not include the optional stateOverride parameter per specification. From EntryPoint v0.7, stateOverride has been officially added as an optional parameter to the gas estimation method.

To take advantage of such update, aa-sdk supports stateOverride value as part of the UserOperationOverrides to be used during the gas estimation of simulated user operation transactions.

export type UserOperationOverrides<'0.6.0' | '0.7.0'> = {
  stateOverride?: StateOverride;  

Learn how to use stateOverrides parameter in UserOperationOverrides to estimate gas for simulated UserOperation by referring to the guide How to estimate gas of a user operation involving state overrides.


Entrypoint v0.7 update includes the addition of paymasterVerificationGasLimit, the value used for paymaster verification, to the response of eth_estimateUserOperationGas RPC method. Accordingly, the UserOperationEstimateGasResponse for Entrypoint v0.7 user operation contains the added paymasterVerificationGasLimit value computed by the bundler if the user operation contains the paymaster field in the user operation request sent for gas estimation.

Note that paymasterPostOpGasLimit, the value used for paymaster postOp execution, is not included in the response per Entrypoint v0.7 specification, and the value of this field depends on the specific paymaster that is being used for the user operation.

export interface UserOperationEstimateGasResponse<
  TEntryPointVersion extends EntryPointVersion
> {
  /* Gas overhead of this UserOperation */
  preVerificationGas: BigNumberish;
  /* Actual gas used by the validation of this UserOperation */
  verificationGasLimit: BigNumberish;
  /* Value used by inner account execution */
  callGasLimit: BigNumberish;
   * EntryPoint v0.7.0 operations only.
   * The amount of gas to allocate for the paymaster validation code.
   * Note: `eth_estimateUserOperationGas` does not return paymasterPostOpGasLimit.
  paymasterVerificationGasLimit: TEntryPointVersion extends "0.7.0"
    ? BigNumberish
    : never;